Pro Cooking Tips! Tip#2 Fresh Eggs!

EL the Cook today takes a look at Eggs! Extremely versatile, so many different types, and exceedingly healthy..Eggs are part of the essential human food landscape!


Quail eggs (upper left), Chicken egg (lower left) and Ostrich egg (right)

Characters : White, brown, spotted, highly fragile and perishable

Storage : Debatable, In the west, storage is preferred in the fridge. However in many countries, stored at room temperature. Fresh upto 4-8 days

Uses: Sweet - Cakes, meringues, mousses, pancakes, waffles, etc. 
             Savory - Boiled, Fried, Omelettes, Scrambled, Curries,  etc.


1) Water Test :

For several kitchen classics, such as the poached egg, You need to know if your eggs are fresh!

For this all you need to do , is put your egg in a glass of water as shown above.
then refer to the flotation chart below.

This happens, because of an air sac present in the egg, the older the egg gets, the larger the air sac!

2) Sloshing Test :

  • Here's another way.
  • Hold the egg up to your ear, if you hear a distinct sloshing sound, it means that the egg is bad.
  • If you cant hear anything, it probably means the protein is intact and the egg is fine! 

3) Cracking Test:

If the yolk is slightly globe-shaped and sitting high, and the egg white is gathered closely around it, then the egg is fresh.

If the yolk is sitting a bit lower and the albumen is transparent, but still gathered close, then the egg is a bit older, but still safe to eat.

If the yolk is flat and the white is runny , then the egg is bad.


An eggshell has a protective coating that prevents bacteria from entering the egg. To retain this coating, eggs should not be washed until just before use.

However, In the USA & UK, advanced egg sanitation techniques, wash eggs prior to packing and so the FDA recommends refrigeration!

Always remember “No clever arrangement of bad eggs ever made a good omelet!


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